Thursday, September 3, 2009

Precious time shouldn't be wasted

Hi, I'm Sabrina but you probably know me as dramaqueen142 on here. Well, I'm here to tell you about today's teens' relationships with their parents. If you are a teen,yourself you probably can relate to what I'm about to come out with. You see, we teens need to spend time with our families more often than we usually would want to. This is because if we don't we won't have the relationship with our parents that is needed. Statistics say that kids who have a good relationship with their parents are less likely to get into frivolous trouble that is spreading like wildfire in today's society.
I know that, for some odd reason, we teens usually want privacy to ourselves more than we would have as young kids. It's only natural, however, it is important for a family to spend time together or else it will eventually fall apart. I'm not here to point fingers at the teen world, though. I'm here to give you some information to reason with. Now I will get onto the subject of our parents. They want to be with so much as we move into the teenage years, due to the fact they want to hold onto us as much as they can. This is because,most likely, we will either move out of state after graduating, live at college, or whatever makes us leave our parents. Parents may suffer from something called Empty Nest syndrome. It's common among parents even if they don't show it.
Also, if you feel that your parents don't give you enough attention, if you have questions for them, or if you have the need to feel love, talk to them about this. Don't feel embarrassed either because they will understand you. I have many friends who fear the idea of growing closer to their parents due to the fact they want to be independent. It's ok to try your wings out in the big world but realize that besides God, no one will love you more than your parents. I hope I brought a message, that as you the reader, have gotten something out of it. If not, I respect your opinion as a person.
With warm regards, Sabrina.